Rules for writing News

Registered Members of the Associazione Alunni are invited to include contributions of public interest in the News section. These contributions may consist of articles, studies, videos, photographic or artistic reviews and more generally any form of expression that meets all the following requirements:

1. it is an appreciable contribution for cultural and/or informative content;

2. avoids (obviously) vulgar, gratuitously controversial, offensive or indecorous expressions;

3. it has some relevance to Ghislieri, where the relevance can be given, for example, by the fact that the author or the protagonist of the contribution is a Alumnus (and in this case the circumstance must be duly highlighted in the contribution) or that the subject of the contribution is Ghislieri’s history, or that the contribution relates to other events which in any case have elements of reference to, interest in or involvement of Ghislieri.

Since this is the official website of the Associazione Alunni, compliance with the above requirements will be verified in advance by the website Administrators.

Therefore, Members of the Associazione Alunni who wish to publish a contribution shall upload it on the Scrivi page of the Sezione News. Within an indicative period of 48 hours, after verification by the Administrators of compliance with the requirements, the contribution will be published and the Member will be notified of the publication.

It is not allowed the publication of texts or images covered by copyright or otherwise characterized by restrictions on their disclosure, unless explicitly authorized in writing by the author or owner of the text and/or image.

The contribution will be visible to anyone connecting to the site. Registered Members of the Associazione Alunni will have the possibility to insert comments to the contribution, which will be visible only to registered Members.

The publication of comments is not subject to prior review by the website Administrators, who are however entitled to remove comments that are not in line with the indications contained in Regola 7 of the Regolamento attuativo dello statuto of the Associazione. However, it remains understood that any civil and criminal liability for the statements and representations contained in the comments and contributions remains exclusively with the authors of the same, even if the website Administrators have not intervened.